Newton's First Law and Third Law
Problem: How does the mass of the toy train effect the deceleration when it pushes something.
Hypothesis: I think that the more weight you have on something the less it will decelerate. When you have more weight on the train it will keep going because you will have to stop each part of the train, because gravity is trying to pull the whole thing down, where if you have just the toy train it will be stopped easier. When you have something lighter it will decelerate every fast and that will effect the distance the flatbed will travel. I think that the more weight the faster and farther it will travel.
IV: Weight, the distance it travels, the impact it has on the frat train.
DV: Mass
CV: Ramp, the track, the train, the amount of weight putting on, flatbed train.
2 Toy trains.
Measuring utensil
Weights being the same weight .50Lbs
1.Gather all Materials
2.) lay out track and give enough rough track space for the train to hit the frat train
3.)Make a spot were you are going to place the flatbed train every time to eliminate external variables.
4.) Then mark another spot were your train will be every time. For mine it will be that the end of my toy train will be on the edge of the ramp. (do not use the last coal engine as end that is just the weight on wheels.)
5.)Place both trains in there probed position.
6.)First start with no weights and just the train which is 1LBS.
7.)Set the train at the top of the ramp where you marked spot will be.
8.)Release train and watch as the train hits the object at rest and makes it move.
9.) Measure where the frat train had landed record it on you spreadsheet.
10.) Repeat 5-9 4 times.
11.) On your speed sheet when you are finished place another column and name it Average.
12.) Average all of the length.
13.) Next create your graph without the averages on them and finish with the titles of you chart and the name of the axis's.
14.) Clean up all Materials
Observations: When I was doing the experiment I noticed that the more weight you put on the harder it is to stop that if you don't have anything weights onto the train or anything if that matter. Each time I added the weight onto the train push the flatbed farther and farther with each weight added onto the train.
In this science experiment the problem:How does the mass of the toy train effect the deceleration when it pushes something. The more weight you put on something the lesser it will decorate and when the lesser it decorates the faster it will travel and the faster the bigger impact. The train went faster because of the weight, the weight greats a bigger mass which when you have a big mass you also have the gravity pulling harder on you. Now when you have a ramp it is a slid. Now when you see the train moving its fast. Overall my hypothesis was correct saying that the greater the mass the faster it goes and the lesser it decelerates. Its just like trying to stop a semi when its traveling at 50mph down a hill. It will be a lot harder, and will take longer, than in a small car traveling 50mph down a hill.
Eliminating External Variables: To eliminate external variables on this particular experiment was to keep adding the same weight onto the train and not have 1 pound than add another weight like 2 pounds. I kept adding the same weight so I could get the accurate results. Then another big one was when you added the same weight it extended because the train was carrying something or pulling it. In order to keep the results accurate I started the train at the same place every single time, as well as the car itself had a spot that would it would be placed.
Newton's Second Law
Problem: What impact does the surface have an affect on how long it takes to travel done the ramp with a toy car.
Hypothesis: I think that the regular track will make the toy train slower. If the surface is too rough it will bounce making it slower. Then if it is to not rough enough that the wheels won't move and it won't have enough traction and will just slide down the ramp. So I think that the regular track that it is supposed to be on will make it the faster.
IV: Ramp type, roughness
DV: Time
CV: Toy train, timer, timer person.
Toy train
Timer/stop watch
cookie crumbs
Weight scale
- Gather all Materials
- Set up track have the bridge in an open space.
- Place Bridge/ base so you have enough room so the train can move.
- Place ramp where the connectors are.
- Put connect the ramp to the bridge.
- Mark a spot where you are going to stop the stop watch
- Place the train on the top of the track so the magnet is at the beginning of the ramp.
- Let go of the train and at the same time start the stop watch.
- stop the stopwatch when the train meets the stopped point.
- Record Information
- Repeat steps 7-10 4 times.
- weigh the saw dust and make sure its .03grams and add on the dust .
- repeat steps 7-10 4 times
- Weigh and place crumbs onto track again .03grams.
- clean up all materials.
Conclusion: After completing this experiment and putting it into a graph to show the final answers and numbers I found out the crumbs affected the train the most. The wheels weren't made for the cookie crumbs or the sand but the sand just slide right under the wheels and it was just like a normal ride. On the other had the cookie crumbs are much harder than the sand creating speed bumps in the track. This is like having a sports car on a dirt track it wasn't pretty, in this example the sports are would slide and drift rather than a car the is made for the dirt this would be a big jump from the timings and so was this but in seconds but in the race it would be in minutes much longer differences.
Proficiency #2
Problem: Which liquid (oil,soap,and water) makes the marble hit the bottom the slowest.
Hypothesis: I think that oil will create the most friction when the marble is dropped from from the tip of the glass because the oil is the thickest out of these three and gravity will take longer for it to get down to the bottom of the glass.
Iv: Liquid.
Dv: Gravity and Friction
Cv: Glass, amount of liquid, height it is dropped from.
Materials: Playing Card
3 Plastic cups
Liquid Measuring cup
1.) gather all materials
2.) Label cups A,B,B
3.) In cup (A) pour 8oz. of water
4.) In cup (B) pour 8oz. of oil
5.) In cup (C) pour 8oz. of soap
6.) Place playing card over cup(A)
7.) Place marble over playing card
8.) Have partner ready with the timer.
9.) Pull the playing card off of the cup and start timer
10.) Wait until the marble is at the bottom
11.) when it is at the bottom stop the timer
12.) Record information.
13.) Repeat steps 6-12 four times
14.) After four times of (A) then switch to(B)
15.) (B) cup repeat steps 6-12 four times.
16.) After four times of (B) then switch to(C)
17.) (C) cup repeat steps 6-12 four times.
18.) Clean up all material.
Observations: During this experiments I thought for sure that the oil would make the marble fall every slowly. On my first try with placing the card on the cup with the marble and then releasing it my thoughts changed very quickly. The marble fell so slow I was actually starting to get bored it turns out that the soap is very thick, which is a good thing in this experiment. The thinner the liquid, the lesser the friction and it takes longer to sink to the bottom.
Conclusion: After I finished with my experiments and totaled the seconds up and put it into a graph I found out that my answer was wrong. The oil was not as thick as the soap, the thicker it is the slower it will travel down to the bottom of the cup which will increase the second time. Water is thin almost like paper it just fell right down in less than a second, and the oil was close to a couple seconds but no where close to the soaps thickness. An example of real life would be swimming like in the water hey have to but on equipment that makes the water just slide off of them. This happens in many sports where they have to make things for sports that are arrow dynamic so that, their going as fast as they can. Another arrow dynamic that would relate to this subject would be under armor, this sticks to your body creating less friction, and its is silky smooth which as it just slide off of it.
Eliminating External Variables: To eliminate external variables you must make sure that the cups are the same brand because that could effect on how fast or how slow the marble will fall. Make sure that the oil water and soap are all at the same height to enforce that the answers are going to be correct. If you don't have the same water height as the other liquid it will make the marble fall faster because there is less liquid in one cup than the other.
Speed and Acceleration
Problem: What type of ball will go down the ramp the fastest a smaller bouncy ball or a larger bouncy ball.
Hypothesis: I think that the smaller bouncy ball will travel down the the ramp faster because the heavier the ball the slower it accelerates but the faster it travels at a time. Having said that the smaller one will be a lot easier to get that moving and up to top speed than something bigger to get up to top speed..
Iv: Smaller and bigger ball
Dv: Speed and acceleration
CV: track, timer, ball size.
2 Bouncy balls Big and little one
- Gather all materials
- Place track track in an open area
- Clean track with brush
- Place smaller bouncy ball at the barer unit
- Flip down the lever releasing the ball.
- Stop the timer when it reaches the end of the track
- Record information
- Repeat steps 3-8 four times
- After the four trials are finished use the bouncy ball
- Then repeat steps 3-8 with the bouncy ball
- Record and obverse information
- Clean up all materials.
Conclusion: In my conclusion I was right that the smaller the ball the faster it accelerates. Then I was right that the smaller the ball the faster the ball with travel down a track. My hypothesis was correct in saying that the smaller bouncy ball with be faster than the bigger ball. For example it's just like having a semi going to full speed and that would take longer than if a viper travels up to full speed just by the acceleration. Say that a semi is turning and so is a viper the viper will turn and then when it hits the straight away it has a very faster acceleration. Than when a semi turns and hits the straight away it would be a lot slower just because of the handling but the most important the acceleration even if they are as fast the faster one with the acceleration would win
Eliminating External Variables- In this experiment to eliminate the external variables you will make sure that the track is cleaned very time you use the track because it is possible that a dust particle could land on the track creating a speed bump, creating an incorrect experiment.
Rube Goldberg:
At the top of the held an inclined plane leading down toward the floor and there rests and a marble with great potential energy. After it was tapped, out of its rested point it started to roll and as it started to roll and roll the more kinetic energy starts to grow in the ball, but as the kinetic energy rises the potential energy starts to decrease. When it made it down toward the bottom of the plane its starts to decrease in speed then again the potential energy increases because it has potential to do something. Then when the marble finally makes it to the top where the first class lever is held then travels to the right it transfers again from potential to kinetic energy because it going down the first class lever then hits the dominoes. When the dominoes start to tip over transferring energy from each domino to another it finally hits a train which also has potential energy and it pushes it transferring energy again. When the train gets pushes it travels which a pen attached to it and pushes over a switch which will turn on a light.
This project was for you to push the marble before you go down the stairs so that when the light goes on you are can go down the stairs without the thoughts of being scared of the dark and you think the monsters are going to eat you.
Nuclear Powered Energy
Nuclear energy is a clear and great way of creating energy. The best part about Nuclear energy is there isn't going to a a shortage, the only way of getting ride of nuclear energy is getting ride of the sun and the heat. This type energy is a favorite way of making energy in a scientist point of view because of hows its make and the nature and different ways it can react. Nuclear energy is one of the smaller providers of energy, but a every green way to go. In fact one ton of uranium provides more energy than over one million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil. If we were able to properly control the energy and the dangers there won’t be any worries for energy ever again. Scientist are running like madmen over how to harness the powers and the mysteries of this strange energy use.
Nuclear power plants need less fuel than factories burning oil, the more these two sources not to go scarce the more they can be used for other uses . Nuclear power comes from the sun and like all the other stars they create heat and light. This light and heat creates nuclear fusion which then the nuclei of the atoms are split, causing energy to be released. Another way to create this type of energy, and if two small nuclei absorb each other also creates energy. Nuclear energy green for the earth because it doesn’t pollute the air. There is a weird thing in this nuclear power plant, they only provide energy for 16% of the world! Unlike the stars, the nuclear reactors that we have today work on the principle of nuclear fission.
Enrico Fermi is considered a major figure in the discovery of nuclear energy. This physicist was born in Rome, Italy and was the first scientist to split the atom. This later led to the creation of nuclear energy. His partner Leo Szilard, Fermi and Leo discovered the first nuclear reactor; that caused nuclear chain reactions. Fermi had obtained his degree from the University of Pisa in 1922 after; he worked as a lecturer at the University of Florence for two years. He later moved to Rome where he taught theoretical physics .It was now in 1934 when Fermi achieved success in his beta ray emission theory in radioactivity. He then pursued further study to determine the creation of artificially radioactive isotopes through the bombardment of neutron. His research on the bombardment of uranium with slow neutrons is now what we call today is atomic fission. This led Fermi to continue his research together with Leo Szilard. Together, they worked on building an atomic pile, which could produce a controlled release of nuclear energy initially. Later on at the University of Chicago they completed this project in 1942 and both were very happy. For his research on nuclear power, this scientist received a Nobel Prize; for physics in 1938. Then by 1945, Fermi worked as a professor at the Institute of Nuclear Studies in Chicago. That was the same year he obtained his American citizenship award.
Nuclear energy is one of my favorite ways of forms of energy. It’s almost impossible to lose nuclear energy, losing it would mean that you would losing the sun and that’s not going to happen for awhile, so there is a unlimited amount of nuclear power. This type of energy making is a wonderful creator but it has some issues to it. If scientist finds out how to control the energy making from uranium it would be a major breakthrough for use as humans. This could be the future of our energy source one day, but why not make it today.