"King of Sports"
A game three thousand years old, still played in the modern sports, soccer. This is most popular sport around the globe. Sports have had an either a horrible history or a great one, and unfortunately it had a horrible one. It has been played and hated all its life starting from Japan and China to the modern days.
The beginning soccer originated from the countries of Japan and China, and was played just like today but with some different equipment than what we use. China and Japan used a leather ball filled with human hair for a ball, and a much smaller field in the year of 1004 B.C. Imagine this game is created three thousand years ago and it hasn’t changed majorly besides ball and the field size. On some of the major games if you lost or made you team lost as soon as you got home you would be killed .Soccer is a rough and dangerous sport, but what so don’t know it could be illegal as well.
A king in England passed a law stating “Anyone person found playing soccer will be in prison”. This game for centuries had been illegal from 1307 to 1681, over three hundred years of not touching a soccer ball with you feet. King Edward passed the law thinking that the devil played the sport. Loyalist also believed this to and more people that play this sport the more evil will arise from the underworld. During the year of 1681 the laws couldn’t stop the people of England from playing their favorite sport and later in that year it was over turned. With this law place, the sport even more popular, by passing this law they made people actually starts playing it. Before when the rule was passed, people beat the soccer players then they would put in the prisons, so soccer was a terrified sport. Just as it was very risky then; it also is today.
Being the King of Sports it comes with advantages, and many disadvantages. With the advantages is that when it comes game time and your spending money to get ready for the game, the stadium will be packed and there will be a truck load of money coming your way. Most soccer games are all packed and very hard to get into with all of the crazed fans. One of the disadvantages that comes with the crazed fans and the amount of people you never know what’s going to happen next. People actually start riots off of a disagreement meant. Although the fans hate each other most of the time they will team up and kill the referees if they make a horrible call, it’s happen before and it could happen again. Monstrous amount of people come charging onto the field starting a riot just because of the referees, after every game or halftime they are encourage sprinting off the field for their safety.
Soccer has a long history of mostly bad experiences, from people dying from the fans or being imprisoned. Many people hate soccer almost as much as King Edward, but too many people are playing the sport to ban it. With saying that soccer is risky, in some countries people despise it so much that if caught you playing it, you would be brutally beaten. So what I have to say is be care you never know what could happen so be careful.